Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Inequity in Funding of Schools

Inequity in funding education in public schools is a systemic issue that has plagued school systems for decades. It is an issue that requires action and understanding. The disparities in school funding directly correlate to the achievement gap found between high-poverty students and low-poverty students. The purpose of this podcast is to continue the conversation on equity in education and bring to light how the funding gap in schools contributes to the inequities and disparities in education.


Education Trust. (2005, Winter). Funding Gap 2005: Low income and minority students
shortchanged by most states. Washington, DC

New America Foundation. (2009, September). No Child Left Behind Act: Title I school
funding equity factor. Retrieved October 11, 2009, from

1 comment:

  1. Hello Brazilia-

    First, I commend you on experimenting with the podcast! I thought that you spoken clearly and precisely stated your points!

    It is always frustrating to realize the inequality in education. It seems to make sense that each school and student would be alotted the same possibilities, but unfortunately that is just not true. Funding is widely varying.

    It is interesting to hear you speak of the coorelation between funding and student's success. It is a clear line that you draw from the socioeconomics of a community- to their public schools funding- to better educated teachers and small class sizes and effective resources- to the students success.

    I also think about the question you pose at the end of your discussion. What are we really doing to improve this inequality in the school systems? Of course, every school has financial needs- but shouldn't we even the playing fields? Is this really a problem that society is addressing or is the wealthier culture maintaining thier position as most successful?

    Thanks and I enjoyed listening to your ideas!
